Cardiology Research, ISSN 1923-2829 print, 1923-2837 online, Open Access
Article copyright, the authors; Journal compilation copyright, Cardiol Res and Elmer Press Inc
Journal website

Original Article

Volume 13, Number 6, December 2022, pages 372-379

Perioperative Validation of the TensorTip™ MTX Device for Noninvasive Arterial Pressure Measurement: A Method Comparison Study


Figure 1.
Figure 1. The TensorTip MTX. (a) View of the TensorTip MTX with correct placement. (b) The lower part of the figure shows how measurements technically are performed.
Figure 2.
Figure 2. Correlation analysis. Correlation analysis for systolic (a), diastolic (b) and mean (c) blood pressure comparing TensorTip MTX with arterial catheter. SBP and DBP show negligible correlation. MBP shows low negative correlation. The correlation coefficient (r) is shown in the top corner of the three figures. SBP: systolic blood pressure; DBP: diastolic blood pressure; MBP: mean blood pressure.
Figure 3.
Figure 3. Bland-Altman analysis for SBP. Bland-Altman analysis for SBP comparing TensorTip MTX with AC. Bias is depicted as black line accompanied with confidence intervals (dotted lines). The grey lines represent LoA with confidence intervals. The diagonal line represents the proportional bias. SBP: systolic blood pressure; AC: arterial catheter; LoA: limit of agreement.
Figure 4.
Figure 4. Bland-Altman analysis of DBP. Bland-Altman analysis for DBP comparing TensorTip MTX with AC. Bias is depicted as black line accompanied with confidence intervals (dotted lines). The grey lines represent LoA with confidence intervals. DBP: diastolic blood pressure; AC: arterial catheter; LoA: limit of agreement.
Figure 5.
Figure 5. Bland-Altman analysis of MBP. Bland-Altman analysis for MBP comparing TensorTip MTX with AC. Bias is depicted as black line accompanied with confidence intervals (dotted lines). The grey lines represent LoA with confidence intervals. The diagonal line represents the proportional bias. MBP: mean blood pressure; AC: arterial catheter; LoA: limit of agreement.
Figure 6.
Figure 6. Error grid analysis for SBP. The error grid is divided in five zones: A - E: each zone represents a risk level for treatment error. A: no risk, B: low risk, C: moderate risk, D: significant risk and E: dangerous risk. SBP: systolic blood pressure; AC: arterial catheter.
Figure 7.
Figure 7. Error grid analysis for MBP. The error grid is divided in five zones: A - E: each zone represents a risk level for treatment error. A: no risk, B: low risk, C: moderate risk, D: significant risk and E: dangerous risk. MBP: mean blood pressure; AC: arterial catheter.


Table 1. Patient Characteristics
Patient characteristicsMedian (25-75% percentile)
Data are presented as median with interquartile range, absolute numbers, or percentage (%). BMI: body mass index; ASA: American Society of Anesthesiologists.
  Patients included (n)41
  Age (years)64.0 (52.0 - 76.0)
  Height (m)1.71 (1.65 - 1.77)
  Weight (kg)73.2 (63.5 - 82.9)
  BMI (kg/m2)24.5 (21.3 - 27.8)
  Gender, male (n (%))22 (53.7%)
ASA classification
  ASA 12 (4.9%)
  ASA 214 (34.1%)
  ASA 324(58.5%)
  ASA 41 (2.4%)
Type of surgery
  Abdominal13 (31.7%)
  Pulmonal13 (31.7%)
  Urology9 (22.0%)
  Orthopaedic2 (4.9%)
  Intracranial2 (4.9%)
  Vascular1 (2.4%)
  Other1 (2.4%)
Use of vasopressor (norepinephrine)25 (61.0%)
  Mean (of 25 patients) µg/kg/min0.067 (0.031 - 0.102)
Temperature of patient (°C)36.1 (35.6 - 36.6)
Situation at time of measurement
  Start of surgery11 (26.8%)
  End of surgery10 (24.4%)
  Admission post anesthetic care unit20 (48.8%)


Table 2. Mean Blood Pressure
SBP (mm Hg)DBP (mm Hg)MBP (mm Hg)
Mean systolic, diastolic, and mean blood pressure, accompanied with ± standard deviation, measured using invasive (reference) method and the noninvasive MTX. SBP: systolic blood pressure; DBP: diastolic blood pressure; MBP: mean blood pressure.
Radial artery catheter127.1 ± 22.064.8 ± 11.585.6 ± 15.3
TensorTip MTX120.9 ± 17.771.7 ± 11.281.2 ± 11.8