Cardiology Research, ISSN 1923-2829 print, 1923-2837 online, Open Access
Article copyright, the authors; Journal compilation copyright, Cardiol Res and Elmer Press Inc
Journal website

Original Article

Volume 14, Number 3, June 2023, pages 211-220

A Prospective, Randomized Open-Label Study for Assessment of Antihypertensive Effect of Telmisartan Versus Cilnidipine Using Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitoring (START ABPM Study)


Figure 1.
Figure 1. Schematic of study design. ABPM: ambulatory blood pressure monitoring.
Figure 2.
Figure 2. Sample flow diagram. ABPM: ambulatory blood pressure monitoring.
Figure 3.
Figure 3. Profile of systolic and diastolic blood pressures during 24 h according to ABPM device. ABPM: ambulatory blood pressure monitoring.
Figure 4.
Figure 4. Column chart showing number of responders at day 56 in two groups for ABPM and manual BP measurement. ABPM: ambulatory blood pressure monitoring; BP: blood pressure.


Table 1. Baseline Characteristics of Subjects in Two Groups
CharacteristicsGroupP value
Telmisartan (n = 17)Cilnidipine (n = 19)
Data are mean (SD), and 95% CI for mean for continuous variables, and number (%) for categorical variables. Percentages are based on the final analysis sample of the respective group. The P value for continuous variable is according to t-test for independent sample, while for categorical variable is using Pearson’s Chi-square test. CI: confidence interval; BMI: body mass index; BP: blood pressure; SD: standard deviation.
Age in years41.88 (11.16); 36.15, 47.6241.47 (12.69); 35.36, 47.590.651
  Female7 (41.2)11 (57.9)0.317
  Male10 (58.8)8 (42.1)
Height (cm)166.44 (6.79); 162.94, 169.93165.15 (8.02); 161.29, 169.020.608
Weight (kg)74.15 (12.91); 67.51, 80.7870.32 (12.63); 64.24, 76.410.375
BMI (kg/m2)26.84 (5.15); 24.19, 29.4925.78 (4.41); 23.65, 27.900.510
BP systolic (mm Hg)154.53 (8.45); 150.45, 158.6155.24(8.72); 151.27, 159.210.795
BP diastolic (mm Hg)99.63 (6.61); 96.45, 102.82102.38(10.17); 97.75, 107.010.323
Pulse rate (/min)90.42 (9.14); 86.02, 94.8288.76 (10.8); 83.84, 93.680.605
Respiratory rate (/min)19.79 (1.72); 18.96, 20.6219.71 (1.19); 19.17, 20.260.872
Temperature (°F)97.28 (0.69); 96.95, 97.6297.23 (0.78); 96.88, 97.580.812


Table 2. Descriptive Statistics for Various ABPM-Derived Variables and Their Comparison Within Groups as Well as Comparison of Change From Baseline to Day 56 Between Groups
ABPM-derived variables (mm Hg)Telmisartan (n = 17)Cilnidipine (n = 19)P valueb
BaselineDay 56P valueaChange: Baseline to day 56BaselineDay 56P valueaChange: Baseline to day 56
Data are mean (SD), and 95% CI for mean. aObtained using paired t-test. bObtained using t-test for independent samples. P values < 0.05 indicate statistical significance. Change in BP is calculated as baseline - day 56. CI: confidence interval; BP: blood pressure; SD: standard deviation; ABPM: ambulatory blood pressure monitoring.
Systolic, 24 h142.47 (10.55)128.47 (11.61)0.002-14.00 (15.88)140.44 (11.24)132.83 (13.86)0.007-7.61 (10.51)0.174
126, 166116, 156-22.17, -5.83123, 170107, 174-12.57, -2.65
Diastolic, 24 h91.18 (6.97)82.91 (7.51)0.012-8.26 (12.03)88.39 (10.4)84.8 (9.21)0.087-3.59 (8.41)0.196
81.4, 10274.6, 101-14.45, -2.0865.2, 11365.9, 109-7.55, 0.37
Systolic, last 6 h145.65 (13.09)128.88 (12.41)< 0.001-16.77 (14.72)139.48 (11.83)135.2 (12.46)0.148-4.28 (12.01)0.010
125, 173.3112.9, 165-24.34, -9.2117.8, 164.3112.5, 162.3-9.94, 1.37
Diastolic, last 6 h94.69 (10.05)83.92 (8.35)0.002-10.76 (12.26)87.79 (10.31)86.53 (7.89)0.521-1.26 (8.15)0.014
77, 110.773.1, 111.3-17.07, -4.4669.6, 109.570.7, 101.6-5.1, 2.58
Systolic, morning146.18 (13.08)129.84 (11.54)< 0.001-16.34 (12.84)141.95 (11.09)136.21 (12.27)0.058-5.74 (12.07)0.019
125.8, 170.3114.5, 161.7-22.94, -9.74126.3, 164.3114.4, 161.8-11.43, -0.04
Diastolic, morning94.66 (10.41)84.82 (7.55)0.002-9.85 (10.95)89.46 (9.93)87.35 (7.56)0.321-2.11 (8.47)0.028
77.4, 112.474.7, 109.1-15.48, -4.2270, 109.572.3, 101.7-6.09, 1.88
Systolic, daytime145.12 (10.89)130.86 (11.35)0.001-14.26 (13.62)144 (10.92)136.95 (15.84)0.011-7.05 (10.62)0.092
129.1, 162.9117.1, 155.7-21.26, -7.25129.5, 175.5110.2, 188.1-12.06, -2.04
Diastolic, daytime93.58 (8.01)84.75 (7.29)0.004-8.84 (10.67)90.78 (10.82)87.41 (10.31)0.126-3.37 (8.89)0.111
81.8, 105.175.5, 103.3-14.32, -3.3565.3, 116.767.2, 117.5-7.56, 0.82
Systolic, night137.95 (16.64)121.85 (14.81)0.011-16.09 (23.17)134.22 (14.37)125.46 (12.62)0.028-8.76 (15.5)0.263
115.6, 178.5106, 158.8-28.01, -4.18110.6, 166.1100.1, 155.7-16.06, -1.45
Diastolic, night85.74 (8.29)74.68 (7.05)0.004-11.07 (12.8)82.26 (11.27)77.69 (8.03)0.101-4.57 (11.53)0.128
72.8, 105.966.4, 96.5-17.47, -4.6759.9, 100.761.8, 90.7-10.12, 0.99
Systolic, manual155.18 (8.50)137.07 (7.96)< 0.001-18.19 (11.97)154.21 (8.22)139.95 (9.49)< 0.001-14.26 (12.01)0.104
144, 166123, 152-24.56, -11.81141, 170119, 154-20.05, -8.48
Diastolic, manual98.63 (6.52)87.00 (7.26)< 0.001-11.63 (9.42)101.37 (10.45)85.63 (7.68)< 0.001-15.74 (14.32)0.367
87, 11176, 101-16.86, -7.1377, 12072, 97-22.64, -8.83


Table 3. Descriptive Statistics for Nocturnal Dip and Its Comparison Within Group as Well as Comparison of Its Change From Baseline to Day 56 Between Two Groups
Nocturnal dip (%)GroupP valueb
Telmisartan (n = 17)Cilnidipine (n = 19)
BaselineDay 56Change: baseline to day 56P valueaBaselineDay 56Change: baseline to day 56P valuea
Data are mean (SD); and 95% CI for mean. aObtained using paired t-test. bObtained using t-test for independent samples. Change in nocturnal dip is calculated as day 56 - baseline. CI: confidence interval; BP: blood pressure; SD: standard deviation
Systolic BP4.93 (8.65); 0.48, 9.377.07 (4.45); 4.78, 9.362.14 (10.34); -3.17, 7.460.4056.45 (6.4); 3.36, 9.537.69 (4.25); 5.64, 9.741.25 (8.00); -2.61, 5.110.5050.771
Diastolic BP9.05 (8.23); 4.82, 13.2810.04 (5.38); 7.27, 12.810.99 (10.88); -4.60, 6.580.71210.17 (7.42); 6.59, 13.7410.21 (5.5); 7.56, 12.860.04 (10.01); -4.79, 4.870.9860.787


Table 4. Comparison of Smoothness Index Between Two Groups for Systolic and Diastolic BP
Smoothness indexParameterAll patients
GroupP valuea
Telmisartan (n = 17)Cilnidipine (n = 19)
aObtained using t-test for independent samples. SD: standard deviation; BP: blood pressure; IQR: interquartile range.
Systolic BPMean1.791.380.601
Diastolic BPMean1.440.680.167