Cardiology Research, ISSN 1923-2829 print, 1923-2837 online, Open Access
Article copyright, the authors; Journal compilation copyright, Cardiol Res and Elmer Press Inc
Journal website

Original Article

Volume 15, Number 4, August 2024, pages 298-308

Does Sinus Rhythm Restoration in Patients With Atrial Fibrillation Undergoing Pulmonary Vein Isolation Have Acute Hemodynamic Benefits?


Figure 1.
Figure 1. Changes in heart rate and blood pressure from before to 19 ± 16 min after sinus rhythm restoration in the pre-atrial fibrillation group (a) and from before to after pulmonary vein isolation in the control group (b). AF: atrial fibrillation; bpm: beats per minute; DBP: diastolic blood pressure; HR: heart rate; LAP: left atrial pressure; MAP: mean arterial pressure; SBP: systolic blood pressure.
Figure 2.
Figure 2. Comparison of the changes in heart rate and blood pressure from before to after pulmonary vein isolation in the pre-atrial fibrillation and control groups. AF: atrial fibrillation; bpm: beats per minute; ΔDBP: change in diastolic blood pressure; ΔHR: change in heart rate; ΔLAP: change in left atrial pressure; ΔMAP: change in mean arterial pressure; ΔSBP: change in systolic blood pressure.
Figure 3.
Figure 3. Comparison of changes in heart rate and blood pressure from before to after pulmonary vein isolation in patients with paroxysmal, persistent, and long-standing persistent atrial fibrillation. bpm: beats per minute; ΔDBP: change in diastolic blood pressure; ΔHR: change in heart rate; ΔLAP: change in left atrial pressure; LSPAF: long-standing persistent atrial fibrillation; ΔMAP: change in mean arterial pressure; PAF: paroxysmal atrial fibrillation; PerAF: persistent atrial fibrillation; ΔSBP: change in systolic blood pressure.
Figure 4.
Figure 4. Comparison of the changes in heart rate and blood pressure from before to after pulmonary vein isolation in patients with the quartiles of atrial fibrillation-heart rate. bpm: beats per minute; ΔDBP: change in diastolic blood pressure; ΔHR: change in heart rate; ΔLAP: change in left atrial pressure; ΔMAP: change in mean arterial pressure; Q: quartile; ΔSBP: change in systolic blood pressure.
Figure 5.
Figure 5. Comparison of the changes in heart rate and blood pressure from before to after pulmonary vein isolation in patients with the quartiles of left atrial dimension. bpm: beats per minute; ΔDBP: change in diastolic blood pressure; ΔHR: change in heart rate; ΔLAP: change in left atrial pressure; ΔMAP: change in mean arterial pressure; Q: quartile; ΔSBP: change in systolic blood pressure.


Table 1. Clinical Characteristics in the Pre-AF and Control Groups
Pre-AF group (n = 74)Control group (n = 71)Pre-AF vs. control P value
AADs: anti-arrhythmic drugs; ACEI: angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors; AF: atrial fibrillation; ARB: angiotensin receptor blocker; ARNI: angiotensin receptor neprilysin inhibitor; BMI: body mass index; BNP: brain natriuretic peptide; CCr: creatinine clearance; CTI: cavotricuspid isthmus; DM: diabetes mellitus; Hb: hemoglobin; HTN: hypertension; LAD: left atrial dimension; LSPAF: long-standing persistent atrial fibrillation; LVDd: left ventricular end-diastolic dimension; LVDs: left ventricular end-systolic dimension; LVEF: left ventricular ejection fraction; LVWT: left ventricular wall thickness; MRA: mineralocorticoid receptor antagonist; NYHA: New York Heart Association; PAF: paroxysmal atrial fibrillation; PerAF: persistent atrial fibrillation; SGLT2i: sodium-glucose cotransporter-2 inhibitor.
Age, years66 ± 867 ± 100.44
Male, n (%)55 (74)47 (66)0.28
AF classification
  PAF, n (%)5 (7)71 (100)< 0.001
  PerAF, n (%)48 (65)0 (0)< 0.001
  LSPAF, n (%)21 (28)0 (0)< 0.001
BMI, kg/m224.5 ± 3.623.3 ± 3.10.035
  HTN, n (%)45 (61)44 (62)0.88
  DM, n (%)12 (16)6 (9)0.15
  Vascular disease, n (%)23 (31)21 (30)0.84
  Stroke, n (%)8 (11)5 (7)0.42
NYHA functional class
  I, n (%)37 (50)62 (87)< 0.001
  II, n (%)37 (50)9 (13)< 0.001
Laboratory test
  Hb, g/dL14.4 ± 1.313.5 ± 1.6< 0.001
  CCr, mL/min76.8 ± 23.675.5 ± 23.60.74
  BNP, pg/mL179.1 ± 71.858.0 ± 47.6< 0.001
Echocardiographic parameters
  LAD, mm44.0 ± 5.639.5 ± 6.4< 0.001
  LVDd, mm46.4 ± 5.845.8 ± 4.80.46
  LVDs, mm31.4 ± 6.229.4 ± 6.40.059
  LVEF, %59.3 ± 9.664.6 ± 9.20.001
  LVWT, mm9.7 ± 1.49.4 ± 1.80.27
  Heart failure drugs
    ACEI/ARB, n (%)27 (37)32 (45)0.29
    ARNI, n (%)4 (5)2 (3)0.43
    MRA, n (%)9 (12)9 (13)0.93
    SGLT2i, n (%)7 (10)5 (7)0.6
    Loop diuretics, n (%)18 (24)12 (13)0.27
    Class I AADs, n (%)5 (7)9 (13)0.22
    Amiodarone, n (%)1 (1)4 (6)0.15
    Bepridil, n (%)16 (22)28 (39)0.019
    β-blockers, n (%)49 (66)42 (59)0.37
    Others, n (%)6 (8)3 (4)0.33
Redo AF ablation, n (%)13 (18)13 (18)0.9
CTI ablation, n (%)3 (4)24 (34)< 0.001


Table 2. Comparison of Intraprocedural Parameters Between the Pre-AF and Control Groups
Pre-AF group (n = 74)Control group (n = 71)Pre-AF vs. control P value
AF: atrial fibrillation; DBP: diastolic blood pressure; HR: heart rate; LAP: left atrial pressure; MAP: mean arterial pressure; N/A: not applicable; SBP: systolic blood pressure; SR: sinus rhythm.
  HRpre, bpm82.5 ± 20.259.7 ± 9.9< 0.001
  SBPpre, mm Hg100.8 ± 21.5108.5 ± 20.70.029
  DBPpre, mm Hg64.4 ± 12.956.5 ± 12.5< 0.001
  MAPpre, mm Hg78.7 ± 15.876.5 ± 16.30.39
  LAPpre, mm Hg7.9 ± 4.45.3 ± 3.3< 0.001
Intraprocedural comparison
  Total infusion, mL1,120.6 ± 420.2999.7 ± 379.60.071
    Dexmedetomidine, µg73.8 ± 25.274.8 ± 37.20.84
    Fentanyl, mg0.16 ± 0.050.17 ± 0.060.26
    Diazepam, mg8.4 ± 3.59.1 ± 4.50.32
    Thiopental, mg90.1 ± 41.8N/AN/A
  Contrast agent, mL28.1 ± 11.628.2 ± 9.90.96
  The time after SR restoration, min18.5 ± 15.5N/AN/A
  Procedure time, min168.3 ± 46.4159.5 ± 52.30.29
  HRpost, bpm66.2 ± 10.765.6 ± 10.90.71
  SBPpost, mm Hg110.7 ± 26.0120.6 ± 24.50.019
  DBPpost, mm Hg65.7 ± 15.065.3 ± 13.00.86
  MAPpost, mm Hg83.7 ± 19.487.4 ± 16.70.21
  LAPpost, mm Hg12.1 ± 4.08.8 ± 3.9< 0.001


Table 3. Comparison of Intraprocedural Parameters Among the AF Classification Groups
PAF group (n = 5)PerAF group (n = 48)LSPAF group (n = 21)PAF vs. PerAF vs. LSPAF P value
DBP: diastolic blood pressure; HR: heart rate; LAP: left atrial pressure; LSPAF: long-standing persistent atrial fibrillation; MAP: mean arterial pressure; PAF: paroxysmal atrial fibrillation; PerAF: persistent atrial fibrillation; SBP: systolic blood pressure; SR: sinus rhythm.
  HRpre, bpm93.4 ± 38.385.4 ± 19.873.4 ± 11.80.033
  SBPpre, mm Hg73.6 ± 15.8101.9 ± 20.7104.8 ± 20.60.0099
  DBPpre, mm Hg48.2 ± 11.565.6 ± 12.565.5 ± 11.80.012
  MAPpre, mm Hg59.6 ± 13.180.2 ± 15.680.0 ± 14.50.017
  LAPpre, mm Hg6.2 ± 3.08.0 ± 4.98.0 ± 3.30.67
Intraprocedural comparison
  Total infusion, mL1,283.2 ± 544.41,107.2 ± 418.31,112.5 ± 408.60.67
    Dexmedetomidine, µg77.6 ± 29.370.0 ± 25.581.4 ± 22.80.21
    Fentanyl, mg0.14 ± 0.0650.16 ± 0.0470.186 ± 0.0640.21
    Diazepam, mg7.0 ± 2.08.4 ± 3.88.9 ± 3.00.54
    Thiopental, mg115.0 ± 57.687.5 ± 38.991.7 ± 44.30.375
  Contrast agent, mL29.4 ± 6.329.1 ± 11.525.6 ± 12.70.5
  Procedure time, min177.2 ± 57.7165.2 ± 45.1173.1 ± 48.40.73
  The time after SR restoration, min10.0 ± 6.321.5 ± 15.517.0 ± 8.10.29
  HRpost, bpm66.8 ± 21.366.6 ± 9.665.1 ± 10.40.85
  SBPpost, mm Hg113.4 ± 28.5110.7 ± 26.6110.1 ± 25.10.96
  DBPpost, mm Hg62.4 ± 17.365.6 ± 13.766.8 ± 17.80.84
  MAPpost, mm Hg83.6 ± 23.183.2 ± 18.884.5 ± 20.70.97
  LAPpost, mm Hg11.8 ± 2.012.1 ± 4.712.1 ± 2.40.98


Table 4. Comparison of Intraprocedural Parameters Among the Quartile AF-HR Groups
Lowest Q (n = 18)Second Q (n = 18)Third Q (n = 18)Highest Q (n = 20)P value
AF: atrial fibrillation; DBP: diastolic blood pressure; HR: heart rate; LAP: left atrial pressure; MAP: mean arterial pressure; Q: quartile; SBP: systolic blood pressure; SR: sinus rhythm.
  HRpre, bpm57.7 ± 7.474.0 ± 2.986.1 ± 6.0109.3 ± 8.1< 0.001
  SBPpre, mm Hg102.9 ± 21.7107.9 ± 23.396.2 ± 19.196.8 ± 21.20.3
  DBPpre, mm Hg60.7 ± 14.664.9 ± 12.665.3 ± 12.066.5 ± 12.50.56
  MAPpre, mm Hg75.1 ± 15.982.4 ± 16.977.9 ± 15.279.5 ± 15.70.58
  LAPpre, mm Hg7.1 ± 3.48.5 ± 5.16.6 ± 3.39.3 ± 5.10.2
Intraprocedural comparison
  Total infusion, mL1,178.9 ± 496.41,150.6 ± 425.41,197.8 ± 373.1971.7 ± 372.10.32
    Dexmedetomidine, µg73.0 ± 22.070.2 ± 23.482.4 ± 27.469.8 ± 27.30.4
    Fentanyl, mg0.169 ± 0.0490.181 ± 0.0550.181 ± 0.0570.138 ± 0.0480.039
    Diazepam, mg8.1 ± 4.08.1 ± 2.610.0 ± 4.17.6 ± 2.80.19
    Thiopental, mg95.8 ± 41.381.9 ± 36.295.8 ± 46.488.8 ± 44.00.72
  Contrast agent, mL29.8 ± 6.830.2 ± 13.524.6 ± 12.827.9 ± 12.10.45
  Procedure time, min187.8 ± 49.8153.6 ± 40.8177.8 ± 44.6155.9 ± 45.00.064
  The time after SR restoration, min17.0 ± 17.513.5 ± 8.520.0 ± 11.525.0 ± 15.80.97
  HRpost, bpm61.6 ± 12.264.4 ± 9.966.2 ± 8.172.1 ± 10.10.016
  SBPpost, mm Hg120.1 ± 27.2115.2 ± 32.798.5 ± 17.0109.4 ± 21.70.072
  DBPpost, mm Hg68.2 ± 18.466.1 ± 17.962.6 ± 10.866.1 ± 12.50.73
  MAPpost, mm Hg89.1 ± 21.685.8 ± 23.677.2 ± 13.182.6 ± 17.30.3
  LAPpost, mm Hg11.8 ± 3.213.6 ± 2.710.4 ± 3.312.5 ± 5.60.12


Table 5. Comparison of Intraprocedural Parameters Among the Quartile LAD Groups
Lowest Q (n = 17)Second Q (n = 19)Third Q (n = 19)Highest Q (n = 19)P value
AF: atrial fibrillation; DBP: diastolic blood pressure; HR: heart rate; LAD: left atrial dimension; LAP: left atrial pressure; MAP: mean arterial pressure; Q: quartile; SBP: systolic blood pressure; SR: sinus rhythm.
LAD, mm37.0 ± 2.941.8 ± 0.845.2 ± 1.351.3 ± 3.1< 0.001
  HRpre, bpm89.9 ± 21.989.4 ± 21.573.5 ± 13.778.1 ± 19.40.023
  SBPpre, mm Hg97.4 ± 28.2106.3 ± 21.096.9 ± 17.0102.4 ± 19.30.5
  DBPpre, mm Hg62.5 ± 14.569.2 ± 11.360.5 ± 10.665.1 ± 14.20.19
  MAPpre, mm Hg76.9 ± 20.184.2 ± 14.275.2 ± 12.978.4 ± 15.50.33
  LAPpre, mm Hg7.4 ± 4.68.6 ± 3.77.8 ± 4.97.7 ± 4.60.87
Intraprocedural comparison
  Total infusion, mL1,087.1 ± 428.51,125.9 ± 374.21,176.8 ± 461.91,089.4 ± 440.70.91
    Dexmedetomidine, µg71.5 ± 23.872.5 ± 22.376.4 ± 27.174.7 ± 28.90.94
    Fentanyl, mg0.156 ± 0.0530.176 ± 0.0610.176 ± 0.0510.155 ± 0.0520.45
    Diazepam, mg7.4 ± 3.49.0 ± 3.87.5 ± 2.810.0 ± 3.70.067
    Thiopental, mg89.7 ± 42.476.3 ± 32.897.4 ± 46.398.7 ± 43.70.33
  Contrast agent, mL28.4 ± 10.127.0 ± 11.730.1 ± 13.326.9 ± 11.60.82
  Procedure time, min160.5 ± 43.9172.0 ± 40.9165.4 ± 44.4174.8 ± 57.50.8
  The time after SR restoration, min29.0 ± 14.525.0 ± 16.619.0 ± 13.617.0 ± 7.00.84
  HRpost, bpm66.0 ± 14.068.9 ± 9.464.6 ± 8.665.3 ± 10.80.63
  SBPpost, mm Hg108.1 ± 23.5109.7 ± 23.4105.8 ± 29.7119.0 ± 26.70.43
  DBPpost, mm Hg61.6 ± 12.167.4 ± 13.863.3 ± 17.270.2 ± 15.90.31
  MAPpost, mm Hg81.1 ± 16.283.7 ± 18.879.9 ± 22.389.6 ± 19.50.43
  LAPpost, mm Hg10.2 ± 3.912.2 ± 4.213.9 ± 3.611.8 ± 3.70.044